Moore Barlow | Case Study

A long-term and cost-effective solution with refurbished laptops

Law Firm
South of England

Moore Blatch & Barlow Robbins merged in 2020 to create a new firm, Moore Barlow with a total staff of nearly 500 across 6 offices.

Services Used
2nd Life IT
Zero Touch Deployment
Asset Management
In Life Support

Bringing together two pre-eminent legal services firms it's a challenge, yet the team at Moore Barlow based in the South of England achieved this milestone when Moore Blatch & Barlow Robbins merged in 2020 to create a new firm, Moore Barlow with a total staff of nearly 500 across 6 offices.

The Technology Challenge

Historically, the firm had a desk-based policy supported by thin client and laptop devices across its offices, however the pandemic forced a change almost overnight. Having utilised a mixture of existing laptops and thin clients to provide a short-term solution enabling staff the flexibility to work from home, CIO Ross Sergeant now wanted to explore longer term options. Moore Barlow’s goal was to have a long-term cost-effective hybrid working model, using a managed laptop fleet that would provide continuity, consistency and would utilise the benefits of the firm’s investment in Microsoft Intune & Autopilot.

Ross Sergeant commented:.

"Traditionally we would look to invest in new laptops, with manufacturer warranties from a reseller, so when we quickly needed nearly 200 laptops for our Guildford & Woking offices, it typically would have required a significant financial outlay by the firm. We therefore engaged with the team at Innovent, to explore alternative options"

How InnoVent Helped

The team at InnoVent provided an option whereby the firm could acquire laptops from InnoVent’ s 2nd Life fleet on a subscription model that included support, a next business day warranty swap out service and access to InnoVent’ s proprietary lease asset management tool, all wrapped up in a single quarterly payment.

It was important to Ross and his team that the laptops could be enrolled in Microsoft Autopilot to ensure a light touch deployment. InnoVent ensured that the hardware hash data was provided, as well as serial numbers to ensure a smooth deployment over the summer.

"Being able to deploy the laptop’s using Autopilot was extremely important to us, equally the knowledge that if we had any hardware issues the InnoVent support team would provide an efficient and effective solution. This solution is over and above the service levels we have previously received or expected from alternative leasing companies" - Ross Sergeant

Moore Barlow now benefits from a cost effective, agile hardware fleet that can be easily scaled up as and when required. All hardware is fully supported and is in keeping with Moore Barlow’s sustainability goals with the additional benefit of a supported refresh discipline over a fixed term.


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