Why Charities benefit from Refurbished IT Solutions

Why Charities benefit from Refurbished IT Solutions

Charities face unique challenges when it comes to IT decisions, including limited budgets, evolving service needs, and environmental concerns. In this blog, we explore how refurbished IT equipment can help charities address these challenges effectively.

Refurbished IT for Charities

Refurbished equipment offers a purpose-fit solution for organisations combining cost savings, quality and sustainability.

  • Cost Savings: Refurbished equipment can be up to 40% less expensive than new, allowing charities to allocate more funds to their core mission while still providing necessary tools for their teams.
  • Quality: Corporate-level laptops refurbished to “as good as new” status offer devices that perform like new.
  • Sustainability: Producing a new laptop generates around 400 kg of CO2e, equivalent to driving 1000 miles. Choosing refurbished equipment reduces these emissions, avoids e-waste and conserves precious resources.

Why Choosing Refurbished IT is Smart for Charities

In addition to cost-savings, quality and sustainability, there are several other reasons why choosing refurbished IT from InnoVent is beneficial for charities:

  • Customisable Solutions: Every charity has unique needs. InnoVent provides tailored quotes with no obligation. We’ll discuss your requirements and offer cost-effective solutions, whether refurbished, new or a mix of both, focusing on ‘right-sourcing’ the equipment.
  • Subscription Approach: Spread the cost of tech devices over three years instead of paying large sums upfront. This approach aids budget management and financial visibility.
  • Free Warranty: Our refurbished laptops come with a free warranty that lasts the entire subscription period, ensuring peace of mind. Our high-quality refurbishment process allows us to confidently offer this unique support service.
  • Old asset disposal: We help responsibly dispose of old equipment. We test, clean and when possible, give your IT equipment a new life or recycle its components to avoid unnecessary e-waste.
  • Hassle-Free Deployment and Delivery: We make life easier for charities with a seamless deployment and delivery process, ensuring timely delivery to your chosen locations, including employees’ homes if needed.

Experience refurbished IT equipment yourself.

We are confident in the quality of our 2nd Life IT devices and want you to be too. That’s why we offer a free demo, allowing you to experience first-hand how our solution meets your organisation’s needs and expectations.

Request your demo device here

Is your charity ready to reduce IT expenditure, minimise environmental impact and enjoy tailored IT solutions? Contact InnoVent today and request a free quote and learn more about how our refurbished equipment can be the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Contact us

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